
Time To Get Personal.

Because first-party and zero-party data is so trusted and coveted, when used properly, marketers can fashion experiences that are tailored to an individual’s needs and wants—which build trust and loyalty to that brand. Today’s consumers need each experience to be relevant. 

The power of personalization is overwhelming when you consider this array of statistics:

  • 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that recognize, remember, and provide relevant offers and recommendations
  • 32% of customers expect a tailored discount just an hour after identifying themselves to a company, and 54% within 24 hours
  • Another study found that not only did nearly half of customers make an impulse purchase as a result of personalization, but 85% of them were happy with their purchase
  • Personalized calls to action converted 202% better than default versions
  • 69% of customers were willing to exchange personal data for a better, more personalized service
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When it comes to sharing personal information, 23% of consumers stated they are more willing to share their information with brands than they were 1-2 years ago. In fact, consumers are most willing to share their personal information to receive ads that are more relevant based on: 

Because zero- and first-party data is controlled by the brands themselves, it gives them a unique opportunity. 

Since this data is collected on your websites and apps, the data can flow in real time from the moment it is collected, assuming your business has set up a supply chain connecting consumer data to systems that deliver enhanced customer experiences.

By segmenting their consumer data based on purchase history and product preferences, brands can create different versions of their messages–increasing personalization that will resonate with their consumers.

Interested in Learning More?

Discover new ways to collect zero-and first-party data from your website, turning prospects into customers and customers into loyal brand advocates. We understand the challenges that brands are facing in our new cookie-less world. Let us demonstrate the real power of unlocking your first-party data by utilizing SAVVY DATA AI's online visitor identification technology. If you are interested in driving more sales and giving your businesses a real competitive advantage, drop us a line and let’s chat.

August 22, 2024