Worried about your CUSTOMER 
ACQUISITION strategy in a cookie-less world?

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In this new era of online privacy, consumers are demanding more privacy online. All the major web browsers will soon no longer support third-party cookies.
This seismic shift toward privacy has significant implications for brands.

Like it or not, every brand must rethink their customer acquisition strategy. So what does this mean for digital marketers?
What you’ll find in this white paper:
  • Uncover ground-breaking technology to identify middle of the funnel, first-party data
  • Learn how top brands are leveraging zero-party data with micro-engagements
  • Discover the need to create meaningful audience segments to foster brand loyalty
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Insights from the leading AI-Driven Consumer Data & Engagement Platform

“Many marketers are still hung up on the notion that personalization means creating hundreds of tag lines, creative variants and more. In reality, personalization is just as much about making the experience relevant to the consumer.”

John Douglas, Senior Director of Product Marketing, Sizmek

“The old way used to be segmenting by just one attribute, the new sweet spot is segmenting by three to five attributes.”

Jim Donovan, Vice President, ZoomInfo

“Marketing leaders responsible for ad budgets, media mix, planning and measurement will need to adjust strategies as Google rewires its data policies, ad products, and capabilities against a backdrop of new privacy norms and elevated antitrust dynamics.”

Eric Schmitt, Senior Analyst, Garner

“Today’s savvy and skeptical consumers can detect a generic mass-marketing campaign from a mile away, so it’s worth it to go the extra mile and tailor your ads and content to smaller, more specific consumer niches [i.e. segments].”

Forbes Agency Council