
Introducing Zero-party Data Micro-engagements

The concept of micro-engagements is not new, and has long been a way to connect the fragmented digital consumer journey. The initial concept called micro-moments was introduced by Google in 2015 as “an intent-rich moment when a person turns to a device to action on a need–to know, go, do, or buy.”

Games and interactive digital campaigns are just one example of micro-engagements. 69% of consumers say they favor a brand that offers games and uses interactive marketing campaigns with prizes.

Here is a good example of a micro-engagement. Purina asked customers what breed and age of dog their customers have so they send them appropriate coupons and newsletters. This is a great example of using a soft, subtle way to ask customers to provide intimate data–in this case, about their beloved pets.

Micro-engagements like these are a great way to avoid survey fatigue and instead position your brand positively in the customer’s psyche, subtly nudging them to engage and increase customer loyalty, to eventually drive sales. It is important that in your efforts, you don’t  smother users with questions and asks, which is why when collecting zero-party data, it is critical that you only collect data that you are  going to use.


Acquiring a new customer is 5X as expensive as retaining an existing customer. Which means, if you increase customer retention rates by 5% it increases your profits by 25 to95%.  

With numbers like these, it’s easy to see why brands are forging new ground with zero-party data collection. It's time to think outside of the box as to how to engage, provide value, and gather personal data from consumers.

Interested in Learning More?

Discover new ways to collect zero-and first-party data from your website, turning prospects into customers and customers into loyal brand advocates. We understand the challenges that brands are facing in our new cookie-less world. Let us demonstrate the real power of unlocking your first-party data by utilizing SAVVY DATA AI's  online visitor identification technology. If you are interested in driving more sales and giving your businesses a real competitive advantage, drop us a line and let’s chat.
